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Created an amazing construction and want to share it with everyone? Want to download other players' maps and see what they've done cool? Then find out how to download maps in Minecraft. Imagine if you spent weeks building a huge castle on top of a glorious mountain range that you found while exploring a map. After all that construction, you really want to share this wonder and allow other players to explore your castle and live in it. You can upload this map to Minecraft map sharing sites or share it on Minecraft forums, and other players can do just that.
Now multiply your effort by tens of thousands. Imagine that other people who love Minecraft are out there building and sharing, but there are also entire teams of builders. Many of these teams collectively spend thousands of hours creating elaborate and wonderful maps! And imagine now what they could do with your castle.
That's the beauty of downloading a custom map. When someone shares a Seed with you, they share the complete blueprint of a map: you will have the same villages, ravines, rivers and caves they have. When someone shares a Superflat preset with you, that person shares the map's DNA. You'll get the same kinds of things they get, like large villages, the same surface composition, similar levels of in-game materials, and much more!
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Quick FAQ
What is the seed of the PewDiePie world in Minecraft?
The exact seed for the world of PewDiePie is 609567216262790763
What are the best seeds in Minecraft?
5) Generation of Lucky Nether (Seed: -5587104679448810605) …
4) Multiple Blacksmiths (Seed: -1775767453) …
3) An abandoned village near the badlands biome (Seed: -9552767) …
2) Final failed portal (Seed: 6272098237627493047) …
1) Rarest Minecraft Biome (Seed: -1932600624)
How does the Minecraft seeds map work?
The game uses a special algorithm to generate huge and seemingly random worlds. … A seed from a randomly generated world can be seen by typing the command /seed. Once you have Minecraft seed codes for some specific worlds, you can revisit one of those worlds at any time.
Which seeds have the most diamonds?
The seeds with the most diamonds
Ravine full of diamonds. Seed: -974562123.
Broken Nether Portal. Seed: 1537846859.
Three in one. Seed: -573947210.
Ravine with mine shaft. Seed: -1240247800.
Types of maps in Minecraft
While generating maps is fun, as is tinkering with presets to create unique maps and have better structure distribution, it's also fun to have someone do all the hard work for you (and build some cool stuff in the process).
Downloading a map lets you download ready-made maps with existing structures and customizations. And what does this mean for you exactly? This means that even if you still don't know exactly as much about Minecraft as you would like, you can enjoy the fruits of the labors of some master builders and designers.
Before we show you how to install custom Minecraft maps, let's highlight the main map types. While many custom maps are a combination of these various categories, typically one category has a stronger influence on the map than others.
Creation Maps
The build maps are exactly what you're thinking: maps you download to check out other players' Creative Mode build methods. These maps exist just to be beautiful and have little to explore or modify. It's common to find creation maps that are 1:1 recreations of video game maps, famous sci-fi spaceships, cities, and other notable things from the real world, fantasy, and sci-fi.

Survival Maps
Survival maps aim to provide an interesting survival experience for the player. These maps are typically like regularly generated maps with extra structures installed by the designer to create a different experience than simply generating a random survival map at home. For example, the map designer might build a plane that crashed on an island along with some chests of supplies to simulate a plane crash survival scenario.
More advanced survival maps incorporate elements that automate elements of the gameplay experience. Map designers use a tool known as a "command block," for example, to trigger in-game events. In the plane crash scenario mentioned above, for example, a hidden command pad can be used to trigger a wave of attacking zombies when the player enters a temple in the nearby jungle biome.
Thousands of adventures await you in Minecraft
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Adventure maps / puzzles
The adventure/puzzle maps take advantage of the survival mode we mentioned about game modes. In this case, the map designer used in-game tools to design what amounts to an in-game game. Adventure maps are more sophisticated than survival maps and include player-solving puzzles and obstacles that go beyond the standard problems faced by the player in normal survival mode.
They also often include a more detailed backstory than "You're stuck on an island". If you're looking for the challenge of surviving a haunted house or getting out of a dictator's prison camp alive, this is the kind of map for you. Adventure/puzzle maps often rely heavily on the aforementioned command blocks, redstone and other game automations to create the illusion of linearity and story advancement.
game maps
Game maps tend to deviate strongly from the core Minecraft mechanics found in survival maps and, to a lesser degree, adventure maps. The in-game maps use Minecraft and the creative use of in-game blocks and Redstone to create what amounts to mini-games. Game maps often have themes like tower defense, scorecards, racing, and even things you would never expect in Minecraft, like golf simulation or Super Bomberman remakes.
Parkour maps
The newest map genre to appear in the Minecraft community is Parkour maps. The name is derived from the real-world activity of Parkour (a sport focused on extreme gymnastic feats and the ability to move quickly and safely over difficult urban terrain).
Parkour's maps are focused on pushing player boundaries and game physics in the process. They often involve very challenging obstacle courses, monster rooms and a strong sense of urgency. If you want to test your skills and see if you could be an assassin like Ezio or Arno, try a Parkour map.
Do you like mods in Minecraft? So take a look at the best Minecraft mods in this article on the site.
Installing custom maps
Let's take a look at custom Minecraft maps to show you how to install them. You'll find the installation process easy and we guarantee you'll spend more time going through the map lists and trying to decide which one you want to try first than installing!
Minecraft Seeds
In Minecraft, seeds are the codes responsible for generating the world you play in. These seeds cover a variety of places, including landscapes and dungeons. Once these codes are implemented, a world is created that you can build and explore.
Seeds can affect your gameplay and the type of formations you want to build with your setup. You can also play an existing seed with a friend. This will let you see how your experience might be different from theirs.
How to find the seed of a Minecraft world?
Seeds are a very important part of Minecraft. They help shape the player experience for them. They determine the world a player will be born into. As a result, finding the right seed for you is very important.
Sometimes players need to know the seed of their world to progress through specific parts of the game. For example, finding a slime in the Java edition requires you to know the seed of your world.
For those wondering how to find the seed of a Minecraft world, there is an easy way to do this. If you're in single-player mode, just go to chat and type /seed. This will tell you the seed of your Minecraft world.
If you are not in single player mode, please follow these steps:
- Locate server files on your computer
- Copy and paste your "World" folder into the saved files located in .Minecraft in the %appdata% folder.
- Start the game and choose Single-player. You will now have this world available in single player mode.
- Likewise, type /seed in the chat to know the seed of your world.
Selecting a map
First, we need to select a map. While there are many Minecraft map sharing sites out there, we recommend the category Projects on Planet Minecraft and, for its simplicity and ease of navigation, the categories of maps at MinecraftMaps.com.
As with map seeds, you need to use the appropriate version of Minecraft for the map you want to play on. If you load a huge adventure map created in one version of the game using another Minecraft update, be ready for problems and bugs as many of the elements the map designer includes will likely be totally different and the terrain generator will be a full version incompatible. To get the most out, always read the map description and match the version the map was created on with the version you are playing on.

placing the map
Once you have the map pack, it's time to navigate to your Minecraft profile save folder. By default, the save folder is in the following location:
Operational system | Directory |
Windows | C: \ Users \ [ yourusername ] \ AppData \ Roaming \ .minecraft \ saves \ |
Mac OS | / Users / [ yourusername ] / Library / Application Support / Minecraft / saves / |
Linux | /home/[yourusername]/.minecraft/saves/ |
This is where all your existing Minecraft worlds are located, and if you place a downloaded file (which is actually what the map pack) in the folder, it will appear in the list of available games when you start Minecraft.
Remember, if you created multiple profiles, the save folder will be a subdirectory of this new profile folder. For example, if you make a profile specifically for playing older 1.6.4 adventure maps, you will need to put the maps in that folder (eg /.minecraft-164maps/saves/) and then load that profile to play the map.
Go ahead and extract the contents of the map pack you downloaded into the save folder. Note the name of the world. The name of the folder the world is extracted to is the name that will appear in the Minecraft world menu.
loading the map
Open Minecraft and navigate to your saved game by clicking the Single Player button. There you will find the map you just dumped into the save folder and click on the map and select "Play Selected World" to load it like a normal game map. Enjoy the map as you explore the game worlds. If you're looking for more than a tourist exploration of a beautiful creation, you'll need to go back to content creation sites and look for maps of Survival, Adventure and even, why not, Pakrour's.

How to Download and Install Minecraft Playstation 4 Maps:
Please note that you will need a slim USB flash drive for this as not all USB devices will fit on the front of the Playstation 4 due to the way it is designed
- Download a map for Minecraft PS4 at MCPS4DOWNLOAD.COM
- Put the map on your USB stick
- On Playstation 4, go to settings
- Go to Application Saved Data Management
- Close all open games
- Go to Data saved on USB storage device
- Click copy to system storage
- Click Minecraft Playstation Edition
- Select the two map files and click copy
- That's it! Just open the game and play the map!
How to Install Minecraft Maps on Mac
As with Windows Java Edition, to install Minecraft maps on macOS you will have to move the map files to the game saves folder. Start by downloading the .zip file for your map as before. The new map will appear in a player's menu as a new world. Now you can explore your newly downloaded Minecraft map.
- Extract the map folder from the file.
- copy to pasta do map.
- Open Minecraft launcher.
- Go to the tab Facilities.
- Mouse over the version but recent and click on the folder icon to open the Minecraft installation directory.
- Browse to the folder of rescues.
- Paste the folder from map inside the folder of rescues.
How to Install Minecraft Maps on Android (Bedrock)
Installing Minecraft maps on Android is also simple with the new .mcworld extension. All you need to do is open the map file, and it should automatically start in game. Older maps, on the other hand, may use the traditional .zip format. To install them, you will have to unzip and paste them into the folder. minecraftworlds. See how:
- Open the Google Files app on your Android device.
- Browse to the Minecraft map .zip file.
- Click on the .zip file and select To extract . You should now see a folder containing the Minecraft map.
- Copy the Minecraft Maps folder.
- Navigate to the root directory and then to games / com.mojang / minecraftWorlds.
- Paste the folder from map and ready!
Alternatively, you can also connect your Android phone to your computer via USB to move your computer's map files to the folder minecraftworlds.
How to Install Minecraft Maps on iOS (Bedrock)
Like other editions of Bedrock, if the downloaded map uses the .mcworld extension, all you have to do is run it and Minecraft should load the new map. However, if you have an older map in .zip format, you will need to convert it to a .mcworld file. See how:
- First, you will need to download Documents by Readdle from the iOS store. Once installed, open the app. Archives and tap the downloaded .zip file.
- Documents must request a place to unzip. Choose any location you like.
- Once unzipped, open the extracted map folder and select all the folders inside using the checkmark in the upper left corner of the screen. You must select all of them or this process will not work.
- Then tap More in the bottom right corner of the screen.
- Touch Pack to compress these files into a file . Once the file is complete, uncheck everything. Then tap the selection box beside the file To file and tap Rename at the bottom of the screen.
- Rename the file using .mcworld to replace the extension .zip (Archive.mcworld, for example). The documents will ask you to verify this change. Do it. tap completed when finished.
- Then tap the file .mcworld that you just created. then tap on Open in another application and select Minecraft. The new world should load – tap Play.
- Under the title Worlds, you must see your new map! Tap it and you're done.
Explore new worlds in Minecraft
Minecraft is an open world construction game created by Mojang Studios where players interact with the world, collecting resources, placing and breaking different types of blocks in a 3D environment. In this environment, players can build creative structures, creations and artwork on multiplayer servers and singleplayer worlds across multiple game modes. the game is available guidance on PC, Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita, Wii U, Nintendo Switch, New Nintendo 3DS, Windows Phone, Android e iOS.
So, you play Minecraft? Built something impressive? Have you ever played on some cool Minecraft maps? Let us know in the comments!
Source: https://marriedgames.com.br/en/dicas-guias/como-baixar-mapas-em-minecraft/
Posted by: anibalsprakessa.blogspot.com
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